Number of hours
- Lectures 10.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 10.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 16.0
ECTS 4.0
This course is an introduction to turbulence and two phase flow modeling. The combination of these complex fluid systems with heat transfer is also discussed through various applications.
Contact Olivier DOCHEContent(s)
- Introduction to Turbulence and Modeling
- Thermal-hydraulics in turbulent regime
- Introduction to Two-phase flows
- Two-phase thermal-hydraulics
BE: CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) training applied to turbulent flows with or without heat transfer
- Thermal Hydraulics I (GEN 2A)
- Fluid menchanics
- Heat transfer
Written exam (2h)
Contrôle continu : CC pour la partie BE
Examen écrit Session1 : DS1
Examen écrit Session 2 : DS2
N1 = Note finale session 1
N2 = Note finale session 2
En présentiel :
N1 = % max(TdE, CC) + % DS1
N2 = % max(TdE, CC) + % DS2
En distanciel :
N1 =
N2 =
Commentaire :
This course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in UE Thermal hydraulics 3 DD GEN S9
This course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in TU Reactors JUAS/ESIPAP (GEN S9)
This course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in TU Simulations (DD - S9)
- Todreas&Kazimi "Nuclear Systems I & II"
- Adrian Bejan "Convective Heat Transfer"