Number of hours
- Lectures 12.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 6.0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 1.5
The objective of this course is to present a panorama of existing methods and tools that can be used for the automatic validation of hardware and software computer systems, in particular embedded systems.
Contact Florence MARANINCHIContent(s)
*General introduction to the validation of hardware and software systems
*Modeling problems in the context of automatic validation
*General interpreted automata
*Model-checking and BDDs (Binary-Decision-Diagrams)
*Introduction to abstract interpretation
*Fluency with an imperative programming language
*Digital circuit design
*Formal languages, compilation
*Operating systems
Give kind of exam for session 1 and session 2: written, allowed documents or not, oral, practical work, reports, plan, vivas
Session 1: écrit de 2h, note E1, note calculée = E1
Session 2: écrit de 1h, note E2, note calculée = E2