Certain courses at Grenoble INP – Phelma offer lessons directly linked to the environment and sustainable development.. The subjects covered include alternative energies, eco-processes, waste treatment, analysis of the environment and energy management and economics.
- Alternative energies
Produce energy : new materials and processes toproduce cheaper and more efficient photovoltaic cells.
Engineering courses
Store energy : hydrogen fuel cells and new batteries to store energy
Engineering courses:
Master's degree courses:
- Eco-processes : to limit the impact of industrial production processes
Ecodesign, alternative and innovative processes for processing/reprocessing, recycling and recovery of waste.
Engineering courses
Master's degree courses
- Electronics and information technology supporting the environment.
Energy efficiency, generation, supply and smart consumption of energy resources, are also challenges for the microelectronics, data processing, telecommunications and networks sectors: green electronics, but also smart electricity meters, smart grids, start-stop systems, electric vehicles etc.
Energy management for components and high-tech devices
Engineering courses
- Systèmes électroniques intégrés (SEI)
- Systèmes Embarqués et Objets Connectés (SEOC) - commune avec Grenoble INP - Ensimag
Analysis of natural signals and the environment
Engineering courses
- Signal, image, communication, multimédia (SICOM) - commune avec Grenoble INP - Ense3
Master's degree courses