This year, the workshop was carried out over two half-days and the organising team of the IRT Nanoelec training programme was able to adapt to a remote format, always in English. As such, with the help of various digital tools (zoom, Mural), students in the Nanotech International master’s degree, in the Embedded electronic system (SEI) course of Grenoble INP - Phelma, UGA, and Grenoble École de Management participated in group activities aimed at raising their awareness of environmental responsibility within the electronics industry in their future assignments as engineers/managers.
This edition included a new element: the serious game “My IoT”, developed within the “Need For IoT” programme of the UGA Initiative of Excellence (IDEX). Thanks to the game, the participants were able to exchange on the environmental impacts and action levers for all stages of product life cycle, from design, to the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, and finally to use and product end of life.
In small groups, the students worked together to design the microelectronic components of a smartphone, always with sustainable development in mind. These teams were guided by industry players (ST Microelectronics) and academics (UGA and CEA), professors from Grenoble INP, UGA, and Grenoble École de Management.
The hands-on nature of the workshop allowed students from different backgrounds to collaborate and find solutions to societal and environmental issues specific to the micro and nano electronics industry.