Number of hours
- Tutorials 24.0
ECTS 2.0
The Aims : Knowing the world of business and the world of companies as well as the set of interactions between its different functions.
The subject called "Business and Working Development" is suggested during the third and fourth semester of the engineering training, and enables to know the world of companies and the running of the world of business better. This training, which relies on an active pedagogy (learning by doing), is widely open on the world of companies that the students are brought to meet (experts, suppliers, competitors, customers, and so on) all along the accomplishment of their plan (interview, roundtable conferences, lectures, meetings with experts, forum, jury, competitions).
Contact Christian GUICHERDContent(s)
The Contents : Lessons and the innovating Plan
No matter how the question of strategy, marketing, plan management, industrial property or market studies is involved, all the lessons aim at answering the various problematic subjects linked with the knowledge of the world of companies and the world of business.
The fictitious business creation plan must be sensible, credible and must be able to fit into the target market. Thus, it is concerned with a fiction which must be in keeping with reality. Sometimes, some of these plans result in real business creations (H3C Energies, Syride, ...).
The Plans :
The plans must not necessarily have a technological characterization. They must economically be viable, but not compulsorily lucrative (partnerships, fair trade, ...).
The Advantages :
* A training lasting two semesters and centred on one business developing plan.
* A sort of job through teams ranging from 3 to 5 students from Grenoble INP (second year of the engineering cycle, four years after the A-Level).A complete accomplishment of a business plan (creativity, plan management, market studies, strategy, marketing, accountancy, finance, law, ...) and an oral examination in front of a jury of professional persons who are expert in business and working development.
* A management of each team by a dedicated supervising teacher.
* A training made by teachers, all of them having a long experience in the world of companies.
1/3 concerned with the written business plan,
1/3 concerned with the following,
1/3 concerned with the oral examination by the jury.
Évaluation intermédiaire fin semestre 3, avant les vacances de Noël - 20% de la note globale
- Rapport : 1/2
- Soutenance : 1/2
Évaluation finale en fin de cursus, au mois d'avril - 80% de la note globale
- Gestion de projet : 1/3
- Rapport/business plan : 1/3
- Soutenance devant un jury de professionnels : 1/3
Session de rattrapage :
S'agissant d'un projet, pas de rattrapage possible
Fourniture de liens vers des sites internet de référence
Remise d’un manuel support de cours élaboré par la Cellule Entreprise et Innovation
Voir APCE et site du pôle oZer :