Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
ECTS 0.5
High secure indetification systems are more and more necessary. Reliable, simple and fast systems are required. The idea is to build systems based on biometric features. But in practice, such systems are not going to spread so quickly because of question of privacy.
Contact Alice CAPLIERContent(s)
- Analysis of the possible biometric features (fingerprint, face, voice, iris...)
- Description of the characterisctics of a biometrics system
- Detailed analysis of fingerprint, face and hand shape based biometrics systems
- Applications and market of biometrics systems
- Biometrics systems and privacy?
Validation of attendance : 5 marks per course (0,5 ECTS)
N1 = 100% MCQ
Additional Information
Course list
Curriculum->Core Curriculum 1Y->Semester 1
Curriculum->Common courses->Semester 1
Curriculum->F1A-PMP->Semester 1
Curriculum->->Semester 1
Handbook of Biometrics
Jain, Anil K.; Flynn, Patrick; Ross, Arun A. (Eds.)
2008, ISBN : ISBN 978-0-387-71041-9, 556 p. 60 illus. (free download possible)
J. Pierson La biométrie - L'identification par le corps
Editeur : Hermès - Lavoisier