Number of hours
- Lectures 8.0
ECTS 0.5
The main objective of this introduction lecture is to give a brief overview of scientific domains related to telecommunications. Problems and techniques related to the Informtion Technologies (IT) will be investigated during this lecture.
Format du cours: lectures with multiple-choice oral questions
Contact Yannis LE GUENNECContent(s)
The objective of this lecture is to intoduce telecommunication technologies (mobile, ADSL, WiFi...). The pedagogical strategy is to start from services to the basic telecommunication concepts.
Lecture #1 (R. Groz, Prof. ENSIMAG - Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble)
Informatio concept
A few problems related to telecommunications
Lecture #2 (R. Groz)
Cryptography and informatio security
Lecture #3 (Y. Le Guennec, Associate Prof. PHELMA-IMEP)
High data rate access technologies (ADSL vs Fiber), telecommunication operators
Lecture #4 (M. Ayraud, RF design expert, ST Microelectronics)
Ultra high data rate for wireless connectivity
Perspectives of applications
Technologicial breakthrough
Validation of attendance
Note de la l'examen QCM pondérée par l'assiduité
- M. joindot, Alain Glavieux, "Introduction aux communications numériques," Ed. Dunod, 2007.
- Techniques de l'ingénieur, ressources en ligne.