Phelma Formation 2022

Data Structure - Algorithmic - 3PMEALG6

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 5.0
    • Projects 4.0
    • Tutorials 5.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 14.0


    ECTS 2.5


The objective is to learn the main concepts and data structures used by solutions to many problems. It addresses the recursive programming and the main dynamic data structures and abstract data types (lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs) and presents some implementations and algorithms used by these these data structures.

Contact Francois CAYRE, Cyrille CHAVET, Nicolas CASTAGNE


  • Main concepts :
    1. Recursive programming, Complexity
    2. Abstract data type
    3. Linear dynamic data structures
    4. hast tables and dictionnaries
    5. Tree data structures
  • Tp : These concepts are implemented in lab works using C langage and Linux :
    1. MandelBrot Fractal
    2. Heap Sort
    3. War Card Game with stack and queue
    4. Spelling checker with Hash Table
    5. computer algebra, arithmetic, derivation with binary trees
    6. Project: routes in Paris (Metro and RER) using the shortest path in a graph with different algorithms: Dijkstra, Bellman, A-Star.


Structured programming in C, PET-S1.


Contrôle continue : CC
Examen écrit Session1 : DS1
Examen écrit Session 2 : DS2
N1 = Note finale session 1
N2 = Note finale session 2

En présentiel :
N1 = 20% max(CC) + 80% max(Projet)
N2 = 20% max(CC1) + 80% DS2

En distanciel :
N1 = 20% max(CC) + 80% max(Projet)
N2 = 20% max(CC1) + 80% DS2

Commentaire :

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->1Y Core Curriculum->Semester 6


Robert Sedgewick : Algorithms in C, Parts 1-5 (Bundle): Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, and Graph Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 2002, 0201756080
C.Froidevaux, M.C.Gaudel, M.Soria : Types de données et algorithmes , McGraw-Hill, 1990
A. Aho, J. Hopcroft, J. Ullman. Data structures and algorithms .Addison-Wesley, 1983.
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest : Introduction to Algorithms. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill., Third Edition. MIT Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-262-53305-8.