Phelma Formation 2022

Digital Control and State Space Representation - 4PMSANR3

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 18.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 6.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 2.0


This course covers the basics of digital control and use of the state space representation.

Contact Didier GEORGES


  • Digital loop, sampling, Z transform
  • Digital Transfert function, Delay and Z transform
  • Stability, accuracy, and dynamics
  • Digital controlers.
  • Delta-Sigma converter.
  • State space representation (continuous and digital cases)
  • Controllability, Observability
  • State feedback, Observer
  • Kalman filtering


Automatic control
signal sampling and quantification
Matrix calculation


Session 1: written exam (2 hours)
Session 2: written exam (2 hours)
Coursework and documents not permitted
Handwritten course summary authorised (1 A4 sheet)

N1 = DS1
N2 = DS2

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->SICOM->Semester 7


1- Murat Kunt, "Techniques Modernes de Traitement numérique des Signaux.", Presse Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1991.
2- M. Rivoire et J.L. Ferrier, "Cours automatique T3. Commande pour calculateur. Identification", Eyrolles, 1990.
3- DIEULESAINT (E.), ROYER (D.), "Automatique appliquée : systèmes linéaires de commande à signaux échantillonnés", Masson, Paris, 1990
4 - I. LANDAU, Commande des systèmes, Lavoisier, 2002
5 - K. OGATA, Discrete-time Control Systems, Prentice Hall, 2006
6 - R. LONGCHAMP, Commande numérique des systèmes dynamiques, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2015