Courses and group of courses name | ETCS | hours per student |
Option SC_BioMed - Master Nanobio UE Engineering Sciences Reliability and quality control 1.5 20.0 CU-Nanotechnology (S5-biomed) 0.0 24.0 Experimental Lab training 3.0 0.0 Prerequisite molecular and cellular biology 0.0 26.0 Molecular markers for medical imaging 1.0 12.0 Nano Safeti (S5-biomed) 0.0 10.0 Introduction to neurosciences 1.0 12.0 Respiratory, cardiac, renal physiology 2.5 34.0 Interships present. & Lab. visits (S5-biomed) 0.0 0.0 5PMBTIM0: Image Processing 3.0 30.0
UE Nanobiology Biosensors and Biochips 2.5 28.0 Characterization of biomolecular interactions 2.0 30.0 Cell patterning lab 1.0 12.0 DNA microarray lab 0.5 12.0 Microfluidics 1.0 14.0 Microfluidics LAB 0.5 8.0 Optics of biological systems 1.5 30.0 Surface Functionalization and electrochemisty 0.5 20.0 Cell signaling 1.5 20.0 Engineering of Biocompatible Surfaces 1.5 20.0 Cell biology labwork 0.5 8.0
Option SC-BioMed - Master Eve UE Engineering Sciences Prerequisite molecular and cellular biology 0.0 26.0 Molecular markers for medical imaging 1.0 12.0 Introduction to neurosciences 1.0 12.0 Respiratory, cardiac, renal physiology 2.5 34.0 Prerequisite Principles NMR 0.0 8.0 5PMBTIM0: Image Processing 3.0 30.0
UE Physics for the life sciences Analysis, statistic & simulation 3.0 24.0 Imagerie 3.0 24.0 Optical spectroscopy 3.0 24.0 5PMICBI3: Charact biomol.inter 3.0 30.0 5PMIMRI3: Magnetic resonant imaging 2.5 22.0 5PMNPNR3: Physique des neutrons et du rayonnement synchrotron 3.0 24.0
Option SC_BioMed - Medical Imaging UE Engineering Sciences Reliability and quality control 1.5 20.0 Prerequisite molecular and cellular biology 0.0 26.0 Molecular markers for medical imaging 1.0 12.0 Introduction to neurosciences 1.0 12.0 Respiratory, cardiac, renal physiology 2.5 34.0 Experimental project 3.0 40.0 Interships present. & Lab. visits (S5-biomed) 0.0 0.0 Prerequisite Principles NMR 0.0 8.0 5PMBTIM0: Image Processing 3.0 30.0
UE Medical Imaging Acoustics 2.0 24.0 Interaction Between Radiations and the living matter 1.0 14.0 Medical applications of radiations 1.0 12.0 Medical applications of ultrasound imaging 1.0 8.0 Magnetic resonance imaging 2.0 18.0 Cell signaling 1.5 20.0 Cell survival labwork 0.5 8.0 Ultrasound Imaging and Thermotherapy 2.0 24.0 5PMSBIO0: Bio-medical imaging 2.0 19.0