Phelma Formation 2022

Filière Semestre à choix : Ingénierie Biomédicale (Biomed) - Semestre 5

Cursus ingénieur->FSC-BIO->Semestre 5
Intitulés des modules/matièresETCSVolume horaire
    • Option SC_BioMed - Master Nanobio
      • UE Science de l'ingenieur
      • Fiabilité Qualité(Reliability and quality control)1.520.0
        CU-Nanotechnology (S5-biomed)0.024.0
        Formation Experimentale en Laboratoire3.00.0
        Introduction biologie cellulaire (Prerequisite)0.026.0
        Molecular markers for medical imaging1.012.0
        Nano Safeti (S5-biomed)0.010.0
        Introduction to neurosciences1.012.0
        Respiratory, cardiac, renal Physiology2.534.0
        Interships present. & Lab. visits (S5-biomed)0.00.0
        5PMBTIM0: Traitement d'images (Image processing-first level)3.030.0
      • UE Nanobiology
      • Biocapteurs Biopuces(Biosensors and Biochips)2.528.0
        Caracterisation des interactions moléculaires2.030.0
        TP CIME-CUBE (Cell patterning lab) 1.012.0
        DNA microarray lab0.512.0
        Microfluidique Lab0.58.0
        Optics of biological systems1.530.0
        Surface functionalization and electrochemisty0.520.0
        Signalisation cellulaire (Cell signalling)1.520.0
        Ingénierie des surfaces biocompatibles et des biomatériaux (BioMed)1.520.0
        TP Biologie cellulaire (Cell Biology lab)0.58.0
    • Option SC-BioMed - Master Eve
      • UE Sciences de l'ingénieur
      • Introduction biologie cellulaire (Prerequisite)0.026.0
        Molecular markers for medical imaging1.012.0
        Introduction to neurosciences1.012.0
        Respiratory, cardiac, renal Physiology2.534.0
        Prerequisite Principles NMR0.08.0
        5PMBTIM0: Traitement d'images (Image processing-first level)3.030.0
      • UE Physics for the life sciences
      • Analyse, statistique et simulation3.024.0
        Spectroscopie optique 3.024.0
        5PMICBI3: Characterization of biomolecular interactions 3.030.0
        5PMIMRI3: Magnetic resonant imaging2.522.0
        5PMNPNR3: Physique des neutrons et du rayonnement synchrotron3.024.0
    • Option SC_BioMed - Medical Imaging
      • UE Sciences de l'ingénieur Biomed
      • Fiabilité Qualité(Reliability and quality control)1.520.0
        Introduction biologie cellulaire (Prerequisite)0.026.0
        Molecular markers for medical imaging1.012.0
        Introduction to neurosciences1.012.0
        Respiratory, cardiac, renal Physiology2.534.0
        Projet de realisation 3.040.0
        Interships present. & Lab. visits (S5-biomed)0.00.0
        Prerequisite Principles NMR0.08.0
        5PMBTIM0: Traitement d'images (Image processing-first level)3.030.0
      • UE Medical Imaging
      • Acoustique2.024.0
        Interaction Between Radiations and the living matter1.014.0
        Medical applications of radiations1.012.0
        Medical applications of ultrasound imaging1.08.0
        Magnetic resonance imaging BIOMED2.018.0
        Signalisation cellulaire (Cell signalling)1.520.0
        Cell sensitvity to radiation lab work0.58.0
        Ultrasound Imaging and Thermotherapy2.024.0
        5PMSBIO0: Imagerie Biomedicale2.019.0