Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
Training 4.0 0.0
Educational course 17.0 342.0 UE Energy 1 4.5 78.0 Energy sources - 3PMJSEN3 1.5 30.0 Applied thermodynamics - 3PMJTAP3 1.5 24.0 Heat transfers - 3PMJTTH3 1.5 24.0
UE Processes 1 3.0 48.0 Fluid Mechanics - 3PMJMFL3 1.5 24.0 Material transport - 3PMJTMA3 1.5 24.0
UE Languages and professional training 1 2.5 60.0 Sport - 3PMKEP16 0.5 24.0 English - 3PMRAN15 1.5 24.0 Créativity - 3PMRCRE5 0.5 12.0
Educational courses 4.0 94.0 Choice of path (choice of 1 child element) 4.0 94.0 Energy course 4.0 94.0