Number of hours
- Lectures 6.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 8.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 1.5
he objective is to give students some tools which will enable them to think from a law point of view in their professional environment
Students know some rules about business law
Students will be able to comprehend the notion of legal risk in their future job
Students will know some rules of the law as a management tool
The general framework of law and business life.
Contractual relationships: their principles and application in engineering jobs (stipulations, servicing standard, technical help, subcontracting)
Legal property rights (debt, intellectual property)
Individual relationships at work (work contract)
Rudiments of human resources
property, patrimony
First session:
Test in law (multiple answer test and simple questions): thirty minutes long, documents are forbidden.
Second session:
Written exam on law and management, documents are forbidden. Grade replaces that of the first session.
Session normale
TD = EN, bonus au CT (max 6pt au total)
CT = ER, DS de 30min
Session de rattrapage
DM = ER & EN
- "Pour aller plus loin" il est possible de consulter les références directement citées lors les CM, dont les supports sont mis à disposition sur Chamilo
- Les études de cas vues en TD sont tirées d'ouvrages d'études de cas des éditions EMS :