Number of hours
- Lectures 2.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
- Written tests 0
ECTS 2.0
This course focuses on strategy and marketing, especially for mass-consumption products. Nevertheless, others sectors (B2B industry, service…) will also be studied to provide a vision as large as possible. Therefore, our learning objectives are:
1. Understanding the fundamental principles of mass marketing
2. Developing analytical and decision-making capacities in marketing strategy
3. Providing an universal, multi-sectors, and international approach
4. Using case studies and highlighting business practices based on experience
During practical courses, in small teams, understand the main marketing tools, expecially the Customer value, perceived value by the Customer, market studies, segmentation and market positionning...
Comprendre les principaux modes d’action de la fonction marketing
Analyser la valeur pour le client (bénéfices tangibles, intangibles, la valeur perçue)
Pratiquer l’étude de marché, la segmentation, le positionnement…
1st session: Marks for the course will be defined as follow :
(50%) Final exam : group presentation of an investment case
(50%) Work during the classes - various deliverables accross the semester.
2nd session: Short paper to writte on a specific marketing situation (company/sector)
Enseignement 100% Distanciel - NOTE FINALE (100%) = 50% NOTE AU PROJET PAR EQUIPE (soutenance)+ 50% CONTROLE CONTINU
Rattrapage : Note de dossier, DM
Kotler, Keller, Manceau (2012), Marketing management, 14e édition, Pearson Education. (ENGLISH VERSION AVAILABLE)
Millier (2005), Stratégie et marketing de l’innovation technologique ; Lancer avec succès des produits qui n’existent pas sur des marchés qui n’existent pas encore, 2nd édition, Dunod.