Number of hours
- Lectures 11.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 11.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 0
ECTS 2.0
The aim of this course is to give an overview of structural, microstructural and chemical characterisation techniques in materials science.
The different kinds of radiation-matter intercations as well as experimental aspects are first developped. The main techniques of analysis are then detailed and illustrated by examples for the different materials classes.
Chap I – Radiation-matter interactions
- Principles
- X ray-matter interaction
- Electron-matter interaction
- Ion-matter interaction
Chap II – X ray, electrons, ions : production and detection
- Production techniques of particles
- Detection techniques of particles
Chap III – Photonic based characterisation techniques
- Diffraction techniques : XRD, XRR
- Spectrometric techniques : XRF, EXAFS, XPS, Raman
Chap IV- Electronic based characterisation techniques
- Electron Microscopy and associated techniques: SEM, EBSD, EBIC, TEM, EDS/WDS
- Other techniques: CL, AES, LEED, RHEED
Chap V- Ion based characterisation techniques
- Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS)
- Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS)
Cristallography, diffraction
Written exam (2 h)
Devoir écrit en présentiel (1 h) + Controle continue
Session 2 pareil que session 1
- Analyse structurale et chimique des matériaux, J.P. Eberhart, Dunod (1997)
- Traité des matériaux Tome 3 : caractérisation expérimentale des matériaux II, J.L. Martin, A. George, Presses polytechniques et univ. romandes, Lausanne (1998)
- Traité des matériaux Tome 4 : analyse et technologies des surfaces, H.J. Mathieu, E. Bergmann, R. Gras, Presses polytechniques et univ. romandes, Lausanne (2003)