Number of hours
- Lectures 11.0
- Tutorials 11.0
ECTS 2.0
The aim of this course is to obtain basis in thermodynamics, especially in thermodynamics of small systems and thermodynamics of solutions.
The aim of this course is to understand and master thermodynamics as a basic tool for the study of the stability and dynamics of the evolution of physical and physicochemical systems.
The course will be applied to thermodynamic systems of interest in various fields of science and engineering. It studies in particular the thermodynamics of small systems and thermodynamics of mixtures and chemical reactions.
1. Thermodynamics of mixtures and chemical reactions.
Mixing quantities and partial molar quantities, application to binary mixtures. Activity in mixtures, reference state. Solution models - description of pair interaction. Ideal, regular and diluted solutions. Minimum of the thermodynamic potential, impact on the state of the system at equilibrium. Evaluation of the driving forces of phase transformations.
Thermodynamics of chemical reactions involving liquid and/or solid solutions. Applications to some cases of practical interest.
2. Driving forces of phase transformations in pure components. Thermodynamics of small systems:
Generalities on phase transformations, driving force of phase transformations. Thermodynamic potentiel associated with the evolution of small systems. Interface curvature and chemical potential. Gibbs-Thomson relationship and its consequences(change in vapor pressure, melting temperature of small systems, ..). Thermodynamics associated with nucleation (homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation).
Concepts and tools of basic thermodynamics
Written exam, 2h
D.R. Gaskell. Introduction to the thermodynamic of materials. 4th edition, Taylors Francis, 2003
P. Desré, F. Hodaj, Thermodynamique des matériaux - équilibres de phases et métastabilité. EDP Sciences, 2010
C.H.P. Luis, Chemical thermodynamics of materials. Elsevier, 1983
P. Papon, J. Leblond. Thermodynamique des états de la matière. Hermannn, 1990
P.G. de Gennes, F. Brochard-Wyart, D. Quéré, Gouttes, perles et ondes. Belin, 2005.