Number of hours
- Lectures 6.0
- Tutorials 6.0
- Laboratory works 12.0
ECTS 2.0
This course completes the elective course 'networks'.
It presents daily Internet communication tools like mail and www and typical access networks.
It also gives an overview of the fundamentals of information theory.
It also teaches a practical use of basic Internet observation tools as well as the mechanisms of Internet (e-mail, www, mobile access …) with lab sessions.
The course is divided in different parts :
- information theory
- multiple access techniques, mobile access networks (GSM, UMTS, LTE ...) and WLAN
- network applications: WWW, e-mail...
Lab sessions :
Observation tools (Wireshark, …)
Directory services (DNS)
E-mail protocols
Configuring a WWW server with restricted access
Network course
Written exam (Nexam) and report on lab sessions
NF=(1,5 Nexam + NTP)/2,5
Théorie de l'information et du codage. O. Rioul. Hermès, 2007.
A. Tanenbaum, Réseaux : Architecture, protocole, applications, Inter Editions – Collection iia