Phelma Formation 2022

Stress and emotion management - 5PMCSMEA

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 8.0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 8.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 2.0


Clarifying the signs of emotions and stress for oneself
Identifying tools of relaxation enabling me to reduce stress
Clarifying my intentions to act consistently with my values

Contact Maryline ROSSANO


Afternoon 1
Why is it important to focus on your emotions and feelings
Internal and external causes for stress
Manifestations of stress (in the body, emotions, thoughts, behaviors)

Afternoon 2
Focus on what’s happening inside of me, then the other person
Distinguish the situation and the interpretations

Afternoon 3
Clarify my intention
Organization for a better management of emotions

Afternoon 4
Transform thoughts which induce stress
Say no and maintain dialogue


Share real-life experiences of stress in the exercises
Accept the rules of the training (in particular confidentiality)


contrôle continu

Additional Information

This course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in Social-ecological transitions

Course list
Curriculum->EPEE->Semester 9
Curriculum->Degree Advanced Materials (AM)->Semester 9
Curriculum->Common courses->Semester 9
Curriculum->SICOM->Semester 9
Curriculum->Double-Diploma Engineer/Master->Semester 9
Curriculum->Physics and Nuclear Engineering->Semester 9
Curriculum->BIOMED->Semester 9
Curriculum->SEI->Semester 9
Curriculum->SEOC->Semester 9
Curriculum->Semesters A Choice->Semester 9
Curriculum->Apprentissage MEP->Semester 9
Curriculum->SIM->Semester 9
Curriculum->Master->Semester 9
Curriculum->IPhy->Semester 9
Curriculum->Internationals Cursus->Semester 9


Les mots sont des fenêtres, ou parfois ce sont des murs (Marshall Rosenberg)
The language of emotions (Karla Mc Laren)