Phelma Formation 2022

Shaping, Joining, Additive manufacturing - 5PMMMAF2

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 32.0
    • Projects 24.0
    • Tutorials 32.0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 0


    ECTS 6.0


  • Know the principal processes of material forming.
  • Relate processes, structure and properties.
Contact Arthur DESPRES, Fabien VOLPI


Lectures/Tutorials (62h including 12h in common with ENSGI)

  • Solid state forming (rolling, forging, stamping, extrusion, plastic stability, damage) - 4h
  • Processes from liquids (molding, solidification, induction, continuous casting) - 8h
  • Processes from powders (powder production, cold and hot forming, sintering) - 6h
  • Processes for polymers (extrusion, injection molding, compounding) - 6h
  • Composite forming (elaboration matrix and reinforcements) - 6h
  • Assembling (mechanical, soldering, brazing, glueing) - 8h
  • Additive manufacturing (metals, ceramics, polymers and composites) - 16h

Practicals (24h)

  • Project within the different research groups allowing to apprehend a process with these specifications.


Elaboration 1 and 2 lectures of SIM-1A, or equivalent.


Written exam + oral defense

Session 1

  • Normal : Devoir surveillé 1 de 2 heure (1/6) + Devoir surveillé 2 de 2 heures (1/6) + Exposés sur procédé (1/6) + Soutenances de projet (1/2)
  • Confinement : Devoirs surveillés sur Zoom (1/3) + Rapport sur procédé (1/6) + Rapport de projet (1/2)

Session 2

  • Normal : Devoir surveillé 1 de 2 heure (1/6) + Devoir surveillé 2 de 2 heures (1/6) + Rapport sur procédé (1/6, note conservée si exposé réalisé) + Rapport de projet (1/2, note conservée si soutenance passée)
  • Confinement : Devoirs surveillés sur Zoom (1/3) + Rapport sur procédé (1/6, note conservée si rapport rendu en session 1) + Rapport de projet (1/2, note conservée si rapport rendu en session 1)

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 9


Mise en Forme des métaux et alliages, B. Baudelet, CNRS, 1976
Métallurgie des Poudres, D. Bouvard , Lavoisier, 2002
Handbook of semiconductor manufacturing technology, R. Doering, Y. Nishi, Ed. CRC Press Inc., 2007