Number of hours
- Lectures 19.0
- Tutorials 3.0
ECTS 2.0
Internet, a daily-used network by people is now moving to the Internet of Things and will connect in a few years billions of smart objects.
This course presents an introduction to the area of digital communication techniques and networks.
It gives an overview of the fundamentals of digital communication techniques.
The objective is also to get students familiar with network concepts present in all systems connected to Internet.
- Network architecture, protocols : basic functions (flow control, addressing, etc) and layering
- Basic concepts in digital communications : line codes and digital modulations, optimal receiver
- Link layer and multiple access techniques
- Network layer and transport layer : IP addresses, DNS, transport protocols (UDP, TCP)
- Cryptography and security
-Basics in digital signal processing
Written exam, 2h
Sessions 1 and 2 : E1 and E2
Introduction aux communications numériques, Michel Joindot , Alain Glavieux, Dunod, 2007
J. Kurose & K. Ross: Analyse structurée des réseaux, Pearson Education.
A. Tanenbaum, Réseaux : Architecture, protocole, applications, Inter Editions – Collection iia