- Calendar
- Nominations
- Full Academic Year 2025 - 2026 or Fall semester 2025 : from March 1st to April 1st 2025
- Spring semester 2026: from September 15th to October 25th, 2025
- Applications
- Full Academic Year 2025 - 2026 or Fall semester 2025: from March 4th to April 15th 2025
- Spring semester 2026: from September 16th to November 12th, 2025
How to apply ?
Process will be published later on.
- Exchange students
- General organisation of studies
Phelma offers three years of study divided into six semesters.
Each semester is worth 30 ECTS credits.
Last semester (S10) has no courses but a Master thesis project (Projet de Fin d’Etudes in French) consisting in an internship, internship report and oral assessment.
Exchange students : you can choose courses from year 2 and 3 only. Year 1 is not open to exchange students. - Choose your courses
International students registered in a partner university can apply to a non-degree exchange program at Phelma:
- for one semester : Fall semester (August-January) or Spring semester (January - June)
- for one academic year : August - June
Courses must be selected in one single year and one single track in order to avoid scheduling conflicts.
It is not possible to take courses from two different years or from two different tracks.
1- Select a year :
Year 2 : semester 7 (Fall) and/or semester 8 (Spring)
Year 3 : semester 9 (fall) and semester 10 (Master's thesis)
2- Select a program
Your program choice has to match with your prerequisites.
At your arrrival at Phelma, your referent teacher here will validate or adpat your program.
You can enrol for a maximum of 30 ECTS credits per semester.
- Programs open to exchange students
Students must select courses of the same year level and in the same field of study to avoid any timetable conflict.
Engineering programs:
AM* : Advanced Materials
BIOMED* : Biomedical Engineering
EPEE : Electrochemistry and Processes for Energy and the Environment
GEN : Reactor Physics and Nuclear Engineering Specialty
IPHY* : Physique engineering for photonics and microelectronics
SEI* : Integrated Electronics Systems
SEOC : Embedded Systems and Connected Devices
SICOM* : Signal and Image Processing, Communication Systems, Multimedia
SIM* : Materials Science and Engineering
Masters programs:
Nanotech* : semester 8 only
Signal and image processing*
Master in Cognitives Sciences Cognition Naturelle et Artificielle (CNA) (M1 Taught in English / M2 Taught in French)
Master MaNuEn - Materials science for Nuclear Energy
*study track taught in English or partly in English
All programs detailed here
Please note that some courses may not be available for exchange students, especially lab works as there are limited seats in the rooms. - Evaluation method and grading system
Our curriculum is divided into different modules called teaching units ( = unité d’enseignement).
Each teaching unit contains several types of classes, such as:
- lectures (CM)
- Practical works (TP) and tutorials (TD)
- Engineering workshops (BE)
The teaching units are assessed in two ways:
- Continuous assessment: evaluation carried out throughout the semester (reports, presentations, group work etc.).
- Final exams: take place usually at the end of each semester.
We organize exams retake.
If a student fails an exam it is possible the retake the examination. Those sessions are organized in May for semester 7 and 9, or at the end of August for semester 8. The retake session is only possible if the student has failed the initial exam. If absent to the examination the student must justify the absence.
Note: attendance to classes is compulsory. Any absence at an evaluation whether final or continuous must be justified, otherwise the module will be considered failed and no resit session will be possible.
Download our grading scale here.
- Double degree students
- General organisation of studies
Phelma offers three years of study divided into six semesters.
Each semester is worth 30 ECTS credits.
Last semester (S10) has no courses but a Master thesis project (Projet de Fin d’Etudes in French) consisting in an internship, internship report and oral assessment.
Double degree student : you will join us for Year 2 and 3. - Choose your program
You must choose a program for which your university and Phelma, Grenoble INP-UGA have signed an agreement.
Engineering programs:
AM* : Advanced Materials
BIOMED* : Biomedical Engineering
EPEE : Electrochemistry and Processes for Energy and the Environment / Électrochimie et procédés pour l’énergie et l’environnement
GEN : Reactor Physics and Nuclear Engineering Specialty / Génie Energétique et Nucléaire
IPHY* : Physique engineering for photonics and microelectronics / Ingénierie Physique pour la photonique et la microélectronique
SEI* : Integrated Electronics Systems / Systèmes Electroniques Intégrés
SEOC : Embedded Systems and Connected Devices / Systèmes Embarqués et Objets Connectés
SICOM* : Signal and Image Processing, Communication Systems, Multimedia / Signal, Image, Communication, Multimédia
SIM* : Materials Science and Engineering / Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux
*study track taught in English or partly in English
All programs detailed here : engineering degrees
Masters program :
Signal and image processing
- Evaluation method and grading system
Our curriculum is divided into different modules called teaching units ( = unité d’enseignement).
Each teaching unit contains several types of classes, such as:
- lectures (CM)
- Practical works (TP) and tutorials (TD)
- Engineering workshops (BE)
The teaching units are assessed in two ways:
- Continuous assessment: evaluation carried out throughout the semester (reports, presentations, group work etc.).
- Final exams: take place usually at the end of each semester.
We organize exams retake.
If a student fails an exam it is possible the retake the examination. Those sessions are organized in May for semester 7 and 9, or at the end of August for semester 8. The retake session is only possible if the student has failed the initial exam. If absent to the examination the student must justify the absence.
Note: attendance to classes is compulsory. Any absence at an evaluation whether final or continuous must be justified, otherwise the module will be considered failed and no resit session will be possible.
Download our grading scale here.
- Language requirements & French class
- Language requirements
To attest the level in French and/or English, students must provide either an official test, a certificate from a language instructor stating the CECR Level equivalence.
▪ For exchange students, a B1 level is required in French or in English depending on if you choose courses in French or in English.
▪ For double-degree students, a B1 level is required in French and in English. To obtain the diploma, you will have to obtain a B2 level in French and in English. - French class
The exchange program guidelines establish that students must have sufficient knowledge of the French language.
Grenoble INP offers French course to international students :
- one intensive session (20 hours over one week) before the start of the fall semester
- an extensive session (2 hours per week over 10 weeks) during the fall and/or spring semester.
It is possible to take both the intensive and extensive sessions.
Further information on the French course will be sent to you after your application.