Pour toutes questions relatives à votre inscription, vous pouvez écrire à / For all demands concerning your registration, you can send a mail to :
- 1re année Phelma : - bureau M 418
- Filières Apprentissage MT, IPHY, SIM et Master PhSem : - bureau M 418
- Filières SEI, SICOM et Masters SIGMA/TS et WICS : - bureau M 419
- Filières GEN, EPEE, BIOMED et Masters CNA, ElP, MatEng, EN, NBS : - bureau M 415
- Masters FAME+, AMIS, Nanotech, Manuen, EMINE, Engineering of Functional Materials, Bachelor of Nuclear Engineering : International Programs - bureau M 403
rentrée 2019
► PHELMA WELCOME SEMINAR: all foreign students (exchange and double degree students - Master students - AST engineering students) are invited to attend to a one day event which will take place on August 30th 2019 at Phelma Minatec. More information will be given later. You are most welcome to participate ! For more information, please contact :
La rentrée aura lieu JEUDI 5 SEPTEMBRE 2019 à 09h30
à l'Auditorium Grenoble INP sur le Parvis Louis Néel, en face de Phelma.
>>> Plan d'accès à Phelma Minatec / Acces Map at Phelma Minatec
Liens utiles / Useful links
- International Students & Scholars Office : accommodation, visa and residence permits, practical matters concerning everyday life, documentation ressources
- The international students guide