Intitulés des modules/matières | ECTS | Volume horaire |
Semestre 5 M2 RI EMINE 30.0 345.0 UE 1 Reactor concepts and materials 6.0 86.0 Fundamentals in materials science - 5PMUFMS4 1.0 26.0 BLOC 12 Nuclear reactor coolants 1.0 10.0 Liquid Metals Technology - 5PMULME4 0.5 6.0 Liquid Metals Technology - 5PMULMT4 0.5 4.0
BLOC 11 Reactor Design 2.0 22.0 Gen IV - 5PMUGEN4 0.5 6.0 Operations of nuclear reactors - 5PMUONR4 0.5 6.0 Reactor Design - 5PMURED4 1.0 10.0
BLOC 13 Materials for reactors 2.0 28.0 Choice of materials - 5PMUCHM4 0.25 4.0 Description and Operation of NPP - 5PMUDON4 0.25 4.0 EDF activity on Materials and Structures - 5PMUEDF4 0.0 6.0 Materials selection - 5PMUMAS4 1.0 8.0 Materials used in nuclear reactor - 5PMUMNR4 0.5 6.0
UE 2 Material ageing in nuclear environnement 6.0 102.0 BLOC 22 Corrosion and fracture mechanics 2.5 50.0 Fundamental of corrosion - 5PMUFCO4 1.0 18.0 Fracture mechanics - 5PMUFME4 1.0 24.0 Nuclear corrosion - 5PMUNCO4 0.5 8.0
BLOC 21 Materials under irradiation 3.5 52.0 Dislocations - 5PMUDIS3 1.0 16.0 Irradiation ageing - 5PMUIRA4 1.0 12.0 Irradiation defects - 5PMUIRD4 0.5 8.0 Microstructure - 5PMUMIC4 1.0 16.0
UE 3 Energy and Components EDF 6.0 83.0 BLOC 32 Energy 1.0 10.0 General approach to energy - 5PMUGAE4 1.0 10.0
BLOC 31 Components EDF 5.0 73.0 BLOC 31a Chemistry and radioanalysis 0.0 8.0 Chemistry and radioanalysis - 5PMUCRD4 0.0 8.0
BLOC 31b Civil works 0.0 8.0 Civil works - 5PMUCOMF 0.0 8.0
BLOC 31c Corrosion and thermal effect 0.0 11.0 Corrosion in secondary circuit - 5PMUCOMH 0.0 1.0 Thermal ageing - 5PMUCOMI 0.0 2.0 Corrosion (Primary circuit) - 5PMUCOMJ 0.0 4.0 Thermal fatigue - 5PMUCOMK 0.0 2.0 Corrosion (Fundamentals) - 5PMUCOMP 0.0 2.0
BLOC 31d Fuel 0.0 16.0 Fuel - 5PMUCOMG 0.0 16.0
BLOC 31e Reactor pressure vessel and internals 0.0 16.0 Internals - 5PMUCOMC 0.0 4.0 Welding and RPV - 5PMUCOMD 0.0 4.0 Reactor Pressure vessel - 5PMUCOME 0.0 8.0
BLOC 31f Non destructive testing 0.0 8.0 Non destructive examination - 5PMUCOMA 0.0 8.0
BLOC 31g Polymers 0.0 4.0 Polymers - 5PMUCOMB 0.0 4.0
BLOC 31h Maintenance, ageing and fuel 0.0 2.0 Maintenance_ageing and fuel reprocessing - 5PMUCOML 0.0 2.0
BLOC 31i Visit and evaluation 0.0 0.0 Visit - 5PMUCOMM 0.0 0.0 Evaluation of formation and Closure - 5PMUCOMO 0.0 0.0
UE 4 Nuclear fuels CEA 6.0 74.0 BLOC 42 Nuclear fuel fabrication 0.0 18.0 Fuel fabrication and characterisation - 5PMUNUCC 0.0 18.0
BLOC 44 Nuclear fuel cycle 0.0 16.0 Fuel cycle - 5PMUNUCJ 0.0 13.0 Scenarios - 5PMUNUCK 0.0 3.0
BLOC 41 Nuclear fuel design 0.0 15.0 Design methodology - 5PMUNUCA 0.0 3.0 Introduction to design - 5PMUNUCB 0.0 3.0 Fuel element design - 5PMUNUCF 0.0 9.0
BLOC 43 Nuclear fuels behaviour under 0.0 25.0 Film - 5PMUNUCD 0.0 1.0 Irradiation effect - 5PMUNUCE 0.0 12.0 Fission gas - 5PMUNUCG 0.0 5.0 Off normal - 5PMUNUCH 0.0 2.0 Fuel modelling - 5PMUNUCI 0.0 5.0
BLOC 45 Visit and evaluation 0.0 0.0 Evaluation - 5PMUNUCL 0.0 0.0 Visit - 5PMUNUCM 0.0 0.0