Intitulés des modules/matières | ECTS | Volume horaire |
Semestre 3 Bachelor sur le Nucléaire 30.0 436.0 UE 1 Interaction of rayonnement with matter 6.0 72.0 Interaction of radiation with matter - 3NPM0012 3.0 20.0 Nuclear Instrumentation - 3NPM0042 3.0 52.0
UE 2 Reactor physics and nuclear engineering 6.0 52.0 Basics of Nuclear Physics - 3NPM0024 3.0 20.0 Reactor Physics and Kinetics - 3NPM0074 3.0 32.0
UE 3 Thermodynamics and Transfers 6.0 124.0 Thermodynamics - 3NPM0082 1.5 28.0 Heat Transfers - 3NPM0102 1.5 30.0 Introduction to Material Physics - 3NPM0122 1.5 32.0 Fluid Mechanics - 3NPM0132 1.5 34.0
UE 4 Applied Mathematics 6.0 78.0 Numerical methods - 3NPM0092 4.0 48.0 Mathematics - 3NPM0112 2.0 30.0
UE 5 Langues 6.0 110.0 Anglais - 3NPMANG2 4.0 60.0 Français Langues Etrangères - 3NPMFRA2 2.0 50.0