Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 30
General view of the Energy problems across the world.
- Physics of Energy (4h)
The units, the First and the Second Principles, the various forms of energy, their equivalences and their differences. The thermodynamical efficency and the conversion losses.
- Petrol (2h)
History, transformation and resources. Its use. The evolution of the cost of petrol.
- Natural gas (2 h)
Specificity, price evolution and resources
- Coal (2 h)
Its history, its uses, its recent production increase. Its black face. Its resources
- The global warming problem and the debates (2 h)
The effect of the CO2 on the climate, other reasons for global warming? How to decrease emissions. Should we decrease? Can we substitute CO2 emitting energy sources with other forms?
- The renewables (RES) (2 h)
The European politics. Estimates of the cost of RES. Can RES replace other sources?
- Transports and domestic uses (2h)
Can electricity replace oil in transports? Is electricity unefficent for domestic uses?
Exam : A short synthesis of a randomly chosen seminar
Course compulsary for the Master degree
Level : Bachelor
Pre Requisites : Elementary physics, some culture and interest in economy, prospective and geopilitics
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