Volumes horaires
- CM 12
- TP 8
S. Dubois (CEA)
F2. Nuclear fuels fabrication and characterization
(Lecture: 12h, Practicals: 8h), S. Dubois (CEA)
- Fabrication and properties of oxide powders.
- Fabrication of UO2 and MOX pellets:
- sintering process,
- role of oxygen potential.
- Fabrication of rods and subassemblies.
- Fabrication of fuel particles for HTR.
- Characteristics and fabrication process of alternative fuels:
- Carbide,
- Nitride,
- Metal alloys.
- Characterization methods and measured properties of fresh nuclear fuel (structure, density, porosity, chemical composition, O/M ...).
Practicals, including a short visit of the LEFCA laboratory (choice to be made by groups of 4 to 5 students):
- Characterization methods in the UO2 Laboratory,
- Thermo-mechanical and micro-structural characterizations,
- Fabrication control measurements,
- Chemical analyses of fuels.