Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
30.0 314.0 Computers, signals and architecture 6.0 54.0 Integrated System Architectures - 4PMEM3G1 2.0 16.0 Digital Control - 4PMEM4A1 2.0 14.0 Digital signal processing - 4PMEM4N1 2.0 24.0
Cmmunication Systems for electronic 6.0 64.0 Communication and Digital modulation systems - 4PMEM4C1 2.5 24.0 TP Communication system Labwork - 4PMEM4T1 1.5 16.0 Operating systems - 4PMESEX7 2.0 24.0
UE Languages and Professionalizing Formation 2 6.0 84.0 Obligatory courses UE LFP semester 4 4.0 48.0 English Semester 4 - 4PMCAN42 2.0 24.0 Sport S4 - 4PMCEP42 2.0 24.0
Choose : CECA(year) or Law-Financial (semester 4) (choice to add up 2.0 ECTS) 2.0 36.0 Business and activity development (S4) - 4PMCCE45 2.0 24.0 Financial management - 4PMCDFI3 1.0 10.0 Law - 4PMCDRT1 1.0 10.0 Strategy & Finance (in English) - 4PMCSFI6 2.0 20.0
Optional courses UE LFP semester 4 (choice of between 0 and 1 child element) 0.0 0.0 Second Modern language - LV2 - 4PMCLV29 1.5 0.0