Phelma Formation 2022

Innovation : from idea to venture (réservé aux étudiants AMIS et DALETh) - 4PMCISD1

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 10.0
    • Projet 0
    • TD 10.0
    • Stage 0
    • TP 0
    • DS 0

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 2.0


This course focuses on Entrepreneurship & Innovation, e.g. industrial products and services, from an academic theory point of view to a practical point of view. The lecturer will share his return of experience as an entrepreneur. Therefore, our learning objectives are:
1. Understanding the fundamental principles of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
2. Developing analytical and decision-making capacities
3. Using one case study and highlighting practices based on experience

Contact Alexandre ETUY


This course explores all facets of entrepreneurship and innovation, from assessing new opportunities, to harnessing innovation, and to turning an idea into a viable venture. A right balance between academic theory and practical case study.

Lecture 1: Introduction
Part a: Course program and content
Part b: Deliverables
Part c: Entrepreneurship & Innovation definition

Lecture 2: Creativity
Part a: Idea generation
Part b: Idea validation

Lecture 3: Market study
Part a: Players, decision makers, advisers, early adopter customers, channels
Part b: Case study

Lecture 4: Competition
Part a: Benchmark, regulation, IP
Part b: Case study

Lecture 5: Offer presentation
Part a: Functionalities, BOM, components and sourcing
Part b: Case study

Lecture 6: Proof of Concept
Part a: Partners, program to achieve the PoC
Part b: Case study

Lecture 7: Communication
Part a: Name, logo, baseline, elevator pitch
Part b: Case study

Lecture 8: Business Plan
Part a: Estimated expenses and targeted revenue streams (P&L)
Part b: Case study

Lecture 9: Innovation ecosystem
Part a: Build and access the entrepreneurial ecosystem
Part b: Case study

Lecture 10: Financing new venture
Part a: Investment structure, fundraising, and valuation
Part b: Case study


Open minded to entrepreneurship & innovation

Contrôle des connaissances

Semestre 7 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais 

50% - individual = presence in course (be here, available, focus, open mind)
50% - collective = working group’s deliverables (quality, relevance)

• Lean Canvas
• Elevator Pitch
• Pitch deck
• Product leaflet

N1 = 100% CC
N2 = EXAM2

Informations complémentaires

Le cours vaut 3.0 ECTS pour les étudiants du cursus UE Elaboration des matériaux et dur

Semestre 7 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN
Cursus ingénieur->Filières->Semestre 7
Cursus ingénieur->Cours communs->Semestre 7
Cursus ingénieur->Cursus Internationaux->Semestre 7


Academic theory: slides “Building Your Entrepreneurship & Innovation Plan”
Case study: Magnetic frames for beehives, based on honeycombed magnetic advanced material
Pitch Elevators: SFM template from Sara Freitas

Luc OBA (Linksium incubator, AJEL presentation)
Paul MILLIER (EMLyon, Professor of Marketing and Innovation Management)
Eric MOREL (Mach&Team consultant)