Volumes horaires
- CM 8.0
- Projet 0
- TD 8.0
- Stage 0
- TP 0
Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 2.0
Ultrasound imaging is the most commonly used technology to explore the human body and therapeutic ultrasound is now an FDA approved treatment modality that can change the paradigm of cure for many diseases. The course will provide a thorough understanding of the ultrasound techniques used in medical imaging and therapy and allow discovering the science of ultrasound, wave propagation in biological tissues and understanding its clinical uses. The course will provide a framework for introducing the concepts of how an ultrasound system images the body and how it can be applied to different applications. The course will emphasize technological issues and system architecture constraints, and will cover the current imaging and therapy ultrasound systems and their use in clinical practice. Examples of the results of the clinical studies in therapeutic ultrasound will be reviewed and a demonstration of the use of an ultrasound imaging probe will be performed.
Contact Davide BUCCIContenu(s)
- Ultrasound propagation in biological tissues
- Piezo-electric effect and manufacturing of ultrasound transducers
- Ultrasound imaging and applications
- Therapeutic ultrasound and applications
- Demonstration using ultrasound imaging probes
- Propagation d'ondes mécaniques
- Equation de la chaleur
- Notion d'acoustique (pression, intensité acoustique, absorption)
Semestre 9 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais
Types d'évaluation : DS, CC
Evaluation rattrapable : DS
- duree : 1h
- documents autorisés : non
- calculatrices autorisées : oui
- possible en distanciel : non
Evaluation non rattrapable : CC - commentaires : DM
Evaluation : DS
- duree : 1h
- documents autorisés : oui
- calculatrices autorisées : oui
- possible en distanciel : non
Examen écrit Session 1 : DS1
Contrôle continu Session 1 : CC1
Examen écrit Session 2 : DS2
N1 = Note finale session 1 = 60% DS1 + 40% CC1
N2 = Note finale session 2 = 100% DS2
Semestre 9 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais