Phelma Formation 2022

Enseignements détaillés > International Master of Science in Wireless Integrated Circuits and Systems (WICS)

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Intitulés des modules/matières ECTS Volume horaire

M2 semester 1

RF communication systems
6 62
New standards for RF transmission 1,5 18
Analog and Mixed Systems for signal processing 2 20
High data rate wireline systems 1 8
Lab work session: System approach 1,5 16
Design of integrated analog RF and mmW 6 52
Integrated radio interfaces 2,5 28
Lab work session: Design & characterization of RF circuits 3,5 24
Microwave circuits 6 48
Passive circuits and characterization 2,5 24
Lab work session: Design of mmW devices and circuits codesign 3,5 24
Antennas and propagation 3 32
Antennas and free space propagation 2 20
Signal integrity and packaging 1 12
Integrated technologies & process of fabrication 3 32
Standard and alternative microelectronics technologies 2 20
Clean room based fabrication 1 8
Specialty courses
Design for test 0,75 8
RFID sensors & Energy harvesting 0,75 8
Electrooptic sensors & Bio electromagnetism 0,75 8
Tunability – technologies & applications 0,75 8
UE Innovation and knowledge 3 25
Intellectual properties and patents 3 25
Research lab work 6 96

M2 semester 2

Research internship 24 5 or 6 months