Phelma Formation 2022

Travaux pratiques : Micro et Nanosystèmes - 4PMTMNL2

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 0
    • Projet 0
    • TD 0
    • Stage 0
    • TP 32.0
    • DS ?

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 3.0


The objectives of this course is to provide a pratical training in microtechnology.

Contact Aurelien KUHN, Clemens WINKELMANN, Maryline BAWEDIN


The course contains four kinds of labs : Technology labs in clean room (T); characterization labs for microelectronic devices (C); AFM and nanocharacterization (N); simulation of microtechnology processes, microelectronic and MEMS devices (S).


Basic knowledge in microelectronic and microtechnology

Contrôle des connaissances

Semestre 8 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais 

It is evaluated by combined exam

the final mark is the average of the marks obtained in each module

Informations complémentaires

Semestre 8 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN

Cursus ingénieur->Filière NANOTECH->Semestre 8