Intitulés des modules/matières | ECTS | Volume horaire |
Semestre 7 M1 DALETh 30.0 190.0 UE Foreign Language I 2.0 24.0 Anglais Semestre 7 - 4PMCAN32 2.0 24.0
UE Lab project I 4.0 42.0 Lab project I - VPMDLP11 4.0 42.0
UE Scientific programming 6.0 30.0 Scientific programming - VPMDSPR1 6.0 30.0
UE Signals and systems 6.0 30.0 Signals and systems - VPMDSSY1 6.0 30.0
Semestre 7 M1 ElP 30.0 321.0 UE Méthodes 6.0 84.0 Méthodes numériques - 4PMPNUM9 4.0 60.0 Statistiques appliquées - 4PMPSTA2 2.0 24.0
Semestre 7 M1 DALETh 30.0 190.0 UE Foreign Language I 2.0 24.0 Anglais Semestre 7 - 4PMCAN32 2.0 24.0
UE Lab project I 4.0 42.0 Lab project I - VPMDLP11 4.0 42.0
UE Scientific programming 6.0 30.0 Scientific programming - VPMDSPR1 6.0 30.0
UE Signals and systems 6.0 30.0 Signals and systems - VPMDSSY1 6.0 30.0
Semestre 7 M1 DALETh 30.0 190.0 UE Foreign Language I 2.0 24.0 Anglais Semestre 7 - 4PMCAN32 2.0 24.0
UE Lab project I 4.0 42.0 Lab project I - VPMDLP11 4.0 42.0
UE Scientific programming 6.0 30.0 Scientific programming - VPMDSPR1 6.0 30.0
UE Signals and systems 6.0 30.0 Signals and systems - VPMDSSY1 6.0 30.0