Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
30.0 294.0 UE Common core SICOM 1 6.0 60.0 Analyse d'image et segmentation - 5PMSAIS1 2.0 20.0 Wireless - 5PMSCSF0 2.0 20.0 Detection estimation - 5PMSDET0 2.0 20.0
Choose Option : SIC or IMM (choice of 1 child element) 12.0 130.0 Option SIC (Signal, Image and Communication) 12.0 132.0 UE SIC 1 6.0 60.0 Signal and Coding for Communications - 5PMSSCC6 3.0 32.0 Muldimensional Signals - 5PMSSMU6 3.0 28.0
UE SIC 2 6.0 72.0 Remote sensing Imaging - 5PMSISA6 3.0 28.0 Project Image GPU-FPGA - 5PMSPIG6 3.0 44.0
Option IMM (Image and Multimedia) 12.0 128.0 UE Image and Multimedia 2 6.0 68.0 Compression Audio - 5PMSCPA1 2.0 20.0 Treatment(Processing) word - 5PMSPAR0 2.0 20.0 Projet de traitement numérique du signal - 5PMSPR20 2.0 28.0
UE Languages and Professional Formation 6.0 52.0 Sciences of enterprise managment (choice of 1 child element) 1.5 16.0
Semester 5 double-diploma SICOM-TSI SIGMA 36.0 344.0 UE Module to be chosen in AISA courses for Double-Diploma SICOM-TSI SIGMA (choice of 1 child element) 2.0 12.0 Image and signal processing apllications and processing (astrophysical and geophysical sciences - WPMTISP7 2.0 18.0 Multi and hyperspectral methods in image processing - WPMTMHM7 2.0 18.0 (optional) 0.0 0.0 Bio and neuro imaging methods - 5PMSBNI7 2.0 20.0
UE Common core SICOM 1 6.0 60.0 Analyse d'image et segmentation - 5PMSAIS1 2.0 20.0 Wireless - 5PMSCSF0 2.0 20.0 Detection estimation - 5PMSDET0 2.0 20.0
Choose Option : SIC or IMM (choice of 1 child element) 12.0 130.0 Option SIC (Signal, Image and Communication) 12.0 132.0 UE SIC 1 6.0 60.0 Signal and Coding for Communications - 5PMSSCC6 3.0 32.0 Muldimensional Signals - 5PMSSMU6 3.0 28.0
UE SIC 2 6.0 72.0 Remote sensing Imaging - 5PMSISA6 3.0 28.0 Project Image GPU-FPGA - 5PMSPIG6 3.0 44.0
Option IMM (Image and Multimedia) 12.0 128.0 UE Image and Multimedia 2 6.0 68.0 Compression Audio - 5PMSCPA1 2.0 20.0 Treatment(Processing) word - 5PMSPAR0 2.0 20.0 Projet de traitement numérique du signal - 5PMSPR20 2.0 28.0
UE Languages and Professional Formation 6.0 52.0 Sciences of enterprise managment (choice of 1 child element) 1.5 16.0