Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
Semester 8 GEN 30.0 346.0 UE Physics 2 6.0 66.0 Nuclear materials - 4PMGMTN9 2.5 20.0 Nuclear physics - 4PMGPNU9 3.5 46.0
UE Reactor physics 2 6.0 74.0 Neutronics project - 4PMGNEC1 1.0 12.0 Neutronics - 4PMGNEU1 2.5 34.0 Numerical Methods project - 4PMGPMM9 2.5 28.0
UE Thermal-hydraulics 2 6.0 70.0 Elective courses (choice of 1 child element) 2.0 28.0 optional course : Plasma and Magnetohydrodynamics physics - 4PMGMHD1 2.0 26.0 optional course : Energy scenarios and wind power - 4PMGSEE1 2.0 34.0 Optional course : Simulator for experimental reactor ILL - 4PMGSRE1 2.0 24.0
Mandatory courses 4.0 42.0 Single phase flow thermal-hydraulics - 4PMGTMP2 2.5 30.0 Thermal-hydraulics Labwork - 4PMGTPH2 1.5 12.0
Semester 8 EPEE 30.0 350.0
Semester 8 IPhy 30.0 319.0 UE semiconductors 2 6.0 58.0 Nanophysics - 4PMNNPH9 2.0 20.0 Physics of semiconductor devices - 4PMNPSC9 3.0 30.0 electrical characterization projects - 4PMNTPE5 1.0 8.0
UE Physics 2 6.0 66.0 Magnetism - 4PMNMAG0 1.5 16.0 Dielectric Physics - 4PMNPDI2 1.5 16.0 Materials Synthesis - 4PMNSMA9 1.5 16.0 TP Physics + PHOG 2 - 4PMNTP20 1.5 18.0
Semester 8 NANOTECH 31.0 308.0 UE Microtechnology 6.0 58.0 Microsystems II - 4PMTMSA2 2.0 20.0 Optoelectronics - 4PMTOPT6 2.0 20.0 Planar lightwave circuits - 4PMTPLC6 2.0 18.0
UE Nanophysics and Nanostructures 6.0 64.0 Advanced CMOS devices - 4PMTACD6 1.5 16.0 Nanostructures for optical and magnetic applications - 4PMTNSA2 2.0 20.0 Nanostructure physics and electron transport - 4PMTNSP2 2.5 28.0
UE SHS/SME 6.0 68.0 Strategy & Finance (in English) - 4PMCSFI6 2.0 20.0 Project - 4PMTGPR2 3.0 32.0 Project of professional insertion - 4PMTPPI2 1.0 16.0
UE REX 1.0 4.0 Worker training evaluation - 4PMTREX3 1.0 4.0
Semester 8 SEI 30.0 300.0 Computers, signals and architecture 6.0 54.0 Integrated System Architectures - 4PMEM3G1 2.0 16.0 Digital Control - 4PMEM4A1 2.0 14.0 Digital signal processing - 4PMEM4N1 2.0 24.0
Cmmunication Systems for electronic 6.0 64.0 Communication and Digital modulation systems - 4PMEM4C1 2.5 24.0 TP Communication system Labwork - 4PMEM4T1 1.5 12.0 Operating systems - 4PMESEX7 2.0 28.0
Semester 8 AM 30.0 309.0 Common Courses S8 18.0 220.0
Semester 8 SEOC 30.0 323.2 UE Deepening and applications 6.0 44.2 Course to be chosen (2) UE Deepening (choice of 1 child element) 3.0 12.2
Semester 8 SIM 30.0 310.0 UE Structures of Materials 6.0 50.0 Materials science for thin film - 4PMMTP44 2.0 14.0 Practical : Material Science - Part 2 - 4PMMTS44 4.5 32.0
Semester 8 SICOM 30.0 348.0